
Supporting accessibility through languages

BSL translation BSL interpreting Deaf awareness training Spoken language intepreting Event interpreting Document translation

Involve Interpreter delivers British Sign Language (BSL), Spoken Language, Lipspeaking and Deaf Communication services.

We support organisations to be more accessible by providing language provision conveniently by video.

What we do

What we do

We support organisations to be more accessible by providing communication services, including BSL and spoken language. We do this using video technology to give our customers access to specialist language professionals using our safe and secure video portal.

Our interpretation services are delivered by our in-house team of qualified and experienced interpreters, and our BSL translations are delivered by our in-house team of Deaf translators. Our in-house teams allows us to ensure the quality and consistency of our language services at all times.

Why provide BSL?

Why provide BSL?

Many organisations expect Deaf BSL users to rely on lip reading, or reading written documents and captions on videos, however, this isn’t fully accessible. Only about 30% of spoken English can accurately be lipread which can mean a Deaf person misses out on 70% of what is being said to them.

For 87,000 BSL users, English is not their first language which can lead to difficulties in reading documents or captions on videos, especially as BSL has a distinctive grammar that is completely different to English. For an organisation to be fully accessible, they must understand the challenges when trying to communicate with Deaf BSL users in English, and provide BSL support.

  • The UK has over 150,000 users of British Sign Language
  • 87,000 of these people use BSL as their first language, not English
  • For many Deaf BSL users, English is their second or third language
  • BSL is a visual-gestural language with a distinctive grammar
  • The UK Government recognised BSL as a language in March 2003
  • In April 2022 The BSL Bill is given Royal Assent and becomes the BSL Act 2022

Who we work with

Who we work with

Contact us

Contact us

BSL Contact Info

Booking Queries:

General Queries:

 TEL: 0330 088 2412

Language Interpreting Info

Booking Queries:

General Queries:

 TEL: 0330 088 2412

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