
Supporting accessibility through BSL training

If your organisation has Deaf customers or staff, it’s important that you provide BSL training for your team.

What we do

Involve Interpreter runs a remote 3- hour Deaf Awareness Course that serves as a useful precursor to learning BSL. The course provides critical information relating to communication with Deaf people, Deaf culture and how to be Deaf-aware.

To further this knowledge, we also provide a BSL course that teaches basic signs to start your organisation on its journey to learning BSL. The BSL course is 5 weeks of 2-hour BSL classes, which are fully bespoke to your needs, including sector specific terminology and signs. 

Why provide BSL training?

With 151,000 users of BSL in the UK, all organisations should be Deaf-aware to show a commitment to accessibility to your staff and customers. Not only will this improve access to your business and widen your customer base, but it will be recognised as ‘reasonable adjustment’ under the Equality Act 2010.


  • The UK has over 150,000 users of British Sign Language
  • 87,000 of these people use BSL as their first language, not English
  • For many Deaf BSL users, English is their second or third language
  • BSL is a visual-gestural language with a distinctive grammar
  • The UK Government recognised BSL as a language in March 2003
  • In April 2022 The BSL Bill is given Royal Assent and becomes the BSL Act 2022

How we support you

Remote language services are a cost-effective way to manage large budgets effectively. Our lower costs mean your customers and colleagues can access more language support when needed. We can work flexibly with any public or private sector organisations through tenders, short or long-term contracts, or ad-hoc PAYG services.

Registered customers can pre-book a British Sign Language interpreter online using our portal, where customers can monitor the progress of any bookings they have made. Customers have full control of who can access their account through individual or departmental user accounts, with administration rights agreed in advance.


Who we've provided training for

Contact us

BSL Contact Info

Booking Queries:

General Queries:

 TEL: 0330 088 3475

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Language Interpreting Info

Booking Queries:

General Queries:

 TEL: 0330 088 2412

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