
Meeting Labour MP Dawn Butler

We were delighted that our BSL Interpreter Manager, Dionne Thomas was able to meet Dawn Butler, Labour MP and Shadow Secretary of state for Women and Equalities.

Dawn has promised continue her campaign to improve access for BSL users. We look forward to supporting her future BSL campaigns.

New Portal Features!

Thank you to all customers who took the time to complete our end of year review in December 2019. Thanks to your input, Involve Interpreter has improved our BSL portal to meet YOUR needs. We can now proudly announce the follow improvements which were rolled out earlier this month!

  1. We now offer BOTH pre-booked and on-demand BSL services
  2. Customers can invite a 3rd party to join the call
  3. Share documents, applications and web pages with the new ‘Screen Share’ feature

For more information about our BSL Portal, please click here to contact a member of the team.

BSL Customer Review

“As a Deaf professional regularly working in legal environments, it can often be difficult obtaining the services of a suitably experienced BSL interpreter at short notice.

I contacted Involve Interpreter BSL as I had failed to find a face to face interpreter at short notice. I wasn’t sure how it would work out but it was actually a fantastic experience. Myself and my service user are both Deaf and use BSL and were able to hold a lengthy discussion with a solicitor and social worker with ease using an iPad. The interpreter was fully qualified and understood legal terminology making communication much smoother for everyone.

We could disconnect from the video interpreter during court sessions and resume again after. I was only charged for the time we used so did waste any resources by paying a face to face interpreter who was not needed for the entire duration – I can’t recommend this service highly enough!” – Involve Interpreter BSL Customer