
The ‘Meet Dawn Butler’ event was open to the public to ask frank and open questions about Labour’s policies, position and future strategies.

Our BSL Interpreter Manager, Dionne Thomas attended the event and was able to raise some important points. Firstly, she thanked the MP for not only raising BSL access and protection in the Houses of Parliament but in fact, learning to sign herself. She broke records by being the first ever MP to sign her questions in the House of Commons. 

She has also dedicated herself to ensuring the Deaf community have access to Labour political information such as their Manefesto and shares updates and summaries in BSL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efQo4LbXO6c

Dionne Thomas raised the issue of Access to Work restrictions that unfairly impact Deaf BSL users and how Labour would address the negative impact of austerity on Deaf people claiming DLA / PIP.

Dawn Butler promised to continue to use her position as a Labour MP to support and campaigning for things that affect BSL users and the wider deaf community.

Dawn has also agreed to a future meeting with our BSL Interpreter Manager, Dionne Thomas to discuss ways that Involve can support her ongoing campaign to improve and standardise BSL access for deaf people living in the UK.


To find out more, please get in touch.